在祂的膀臂下 让祂战胜我的仇敌。我常自己征战,忘记全能神的同在。 Take refuge in Him and let Him defeat my enemy. It is so easy for me to fight my battles alone and forget that the almighty God is with me. 凡投靠他的,都是有福的。 诗篇 2:12 Blessed are all who take refuge in him. Psalm 2:12
体会以斯拉心情,无法到祢面前。 感恩耶稣宝血,洗净如雪,可以到祢膀臂下,得爱得安慰。 Understand Ezra’s feeling, not able to come close to You. Thanks to Jesus blood, washed me as snow, Under your arms, get love and comfort. 耶和华— 以色列 的神啊,因你是公义的,我们这剩下的人才得逃脱,正如今日的光景。看哪,我们在你面前有罪恶,因此无人在你面前站立得住。」 以斯拉记 9:15 Lord, the God of Israel, you are righteous! We are left this day as a remnant. Here we are before you in […]
神可以把你拥有的一点油,翻倍,再翻倍。 借信住在里面的圣灵,也会翻倍,再翻倍,让我们越来越像至善至美的主 God can double your oil and double it again and again. The Holy Spirit resided by faith, will double again and again also, so that we are more and more like our holy God 以利沙 问她说:「我可以为你做什么呢?你告诉我,你家里有什么?」她说:「婢女家中除了一瓶油之外,没有什么。」 列王纪下 4:2 CUNPSS-神 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you […]
出于私心,惧怕,为自己的利益,用自己的方法敬拜神。如何能拿到祝福?求神炼净,在爱中鼓励,保守 Out of selfish and fear, for his own interests, with his own way to worship God. How can he get blessing? May God purify, encourage and protect in love. 他在八月十五日,就是他私自所定的月日,为 以色列 人立作节期的日子,在 伯特利 上坛烧香。 列王纪上 12:33 On the fifteenth day of the eighth month, a month of his own choosing, he offered sacrifices […]
在极大击打之下,大卫王依然认定耶和华,细心献上不白得的燔祭,依然对神敬畏,仰望。 Under severer striking, David still trust in God, sacrifice his own burnt offering carefully. He still looking upon God in awe. I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing 2 Samuel 24:24 我不要用白得之物作燔祭献给耶和华—我的神。 撒母耳记下 24:24
努力做工,以为蒙神喜悦。忘记安静神前,和神相近相亲。 天父啊,我依然是祢眼中的瞳人。祢给我存留的不是次好的,而是最好的。 Work so hard to please God,but forget to come to Him to get comfort and love. Heavenly Father, I am still the apple of your eyes. Your provision for me is not only good but the best. 撒母耳说:耶和华喜悦燔祭和平安祭,岂如喜悦人听从他的话呢?听命胜于献祭;顺从胜于公羊的脂油。 撒母耳记上 15:22 But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices […]
需要的多,神给的多。 单纯仰望,不需自己筹算 The more you need, the more God’s provision will be. Looking up with pure heart, no need to plot by your own mind. 人多的,你要把产业多分给他们;人少的,你要把产业少分给他们;要照被数的人数,把产业分给各人。 民数记 26:54 To a larger group give a larger inheritance, and to a smaller group a smaller one; each is to receive its inheritance according to the number of […]